Friday, October 30, 2009

My Best Friend

As the years have gone by I have had multiple friends. But at the moment there is only one that I would consider my BEST FRIEND. He's a little bit taller than me ( but who isn't?), he has blonde hair and is "Pasty white" (his own quote). My best friend is one of the nicest people I know. He's always trying to make others laugh and does a good job at it. He uses the latest slang and always seems to know what's "cool". My best friend is perceived by most as either a "blonde" or a wise guy, but that's one of the things I like about him. Art and soccer are a few of his many talents. We have been friends for about 3 years now and it is awesome.

My best friend is often the comedian of the group, as he is very funny and not too shy. Entertaining a crowd is something that he loves to do, and he is not afraid to make fun of himself once in a while. So you could consider him an Extrovert. He is so cool about everything; he's always got a new motto or some new slang and loves to use them (they're always hilarious). When we are together, we never stop laughing. On a more serious note, generosity is one of his best characteristics; he would give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. I don't think that he has a selfish bone in his body. My friend is also extremely creative. One of his masterpieces was displayed in an art museum! We have played on the same soccer team for several years. He's one of our best players and I enjoy playing with him. Even though some think of him as a wise guy, he's got lots of friends; including me!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A long time ago, on a beach far, far away, I went on vacation! The year was 1999; I was almost 4 years old, when my family decided to take an amazing, exciting, fun-filled vacation to Montauk Point, L.I.. My brother and I could hardly wait! Daddy told us that when we got to Montauk, we could go to the beach everyday and build sand castles and dig holes and hunt for seashells and play. Daddy said, "no water", it was too cold and it would freeze my little toes.

When we finally arrived in Montauk, I couldn't wait to get out on the beach! As soon as Mommy and Daddy finished unpacking the car, I ran out onto the sand; it was warm, and I loved it! The fun was endless, as we did so many things. On the Beach, my Daddy dug me a hole as big as me and I used it as my play fort, hiding from my parents and jumping out to frighten them. I was dressed like Peter Pan, my hero, and was able to fly around, with my pixie dust, all over the beach. The wind blew my hair and made me feel like I was really flying. Once, I got a little too close to the water and a wave hit my legs. Daddy was right, the water was as cold as ice! There was a playground right on the beach that my brother and I played on every day. The play structure was shaped like a boat, and I was captain. After a few days of playing on the beach we decided to try something new and different, FISHING. This was the first time I had ever gone fishing with my Daddy so I didn't expect to be any good. On the contrary, I was able to reel-in, with some help, a bass as big as my head! My Mommy and Daddy were so proud; I was proud too. And from that moment on, I thought myself to be quite the fisherman. This was one of the best vacations ever, and I never wanted to leave the beach; but like all trips ours had to come to an end and we left Montauk Point.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Treasure Island Imagery

The dominant literary element in Treasure Island is imagery. It appears in the story countless times and adss a great effect. The author used this element because it adds so much more insight for the reader and allows the author to more easily explain deatil (characters, landscape, ect.). Another reason why the author used imagery so frequently is because this is a pirate story. Everyone has their own perspective on pirates, on what they look like, how they smell, work etc.
By using imagery this author is personifing his persective.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Treasure Island

Hey, it's me again. So for my outside reading I took Josh's advice and am reading Treausre Island. So far it's been a very good book being easy to get into from the start. The book starts out with some adventure such as with the Blind man and Black Dog. But I'm not to far yet. As far as I'm concerned Imagery is definatly the main element used in the story. I think that the author used lots of imagery to give you his persective on pirates. I think of pirates similarly to the author. He often describes them as dirty, smelly men that reack of rum and tabacoo. Which is how i think of them. but i need to keep reading. The tone in this story has been suspensful and zealous. I'm always trying to infer what wll happen next and at the same time it is very enthusiastic and innvolving. Well that's all for now get back to you soon.