Tuesday, June 15, 2010

At Last The End!

Throughout this year my blog posts have reflected the ideas that I have gained through honors English 9th grade. At the start of this year when I heard about this online assignment I thought that it would be really awesome. However I have since realized that It is a lot more work then I expected. For starters it can be extremely difficult to recall the dates when the blogs are due and I often relied on friends to help me remember. However this was a good experience, for it allowed us to share our different perspectives on literature and composition of writing. The comment idea was also brilliant. Feedback in writing is always appreciated. I always enjoyed the blogs that had more to do with my opinions then say one that said to paraphrase of comment on another topic. The random posts were fun such as finding an allusion to Romeo and Juliet. There were many options, this was defiantly a great idea. If I could pick one thing to fix about these blogs it would be....... NOTHING! They were off the chain. Some of my favorite class moments were the Bow Chicka Bow Wow Ones. And I was super excited to include it into my "English Reflections blog" which is similar to this one. This became a saying that sort of defined me while we were reading Romeo and Juliet. Another of my favorite blogs as the getting to know me, our first post. I especially liked this one because of its ability to force (i guess is an o.k word) all of us to open up to one another. Just like most of the rest of the students I also loved the incredibly short blogs, "Yah less work for me". The blog assignment was challenging and new so I think that a good quote for my blogs is from Albert Einstein, " A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new." Well until this year i had never used blogger and was new to this idea. And I must admit that I did make some mistakes along the way; yeah go ahead, point and laugh! But the point is that you never experience an experience if you don't make an attempt to do so. Over the course of the year I feel like I have played only a small part in the big picture but is was a blast. I had lots of fun in English class, made some people laugh and very possibly started a Romeo and Juliet Bow Chicka Bow Wow trend (Mrs. Gilman you should tell me if next years class ever does that). And I will sincerely miss this class a whole lot ( but the feelings aren't as strong here as my lust for Summer is WHOOOOOOOOOO!)