Friday, April 30, 2010

Culture Shock!

(Hey Juliet)
I think your're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I want to be your Romeo
Het Juliet

Right there is the perfect modern day Romeo and Juliet. It's about a deep love for a women, just like Romeo has for Juliet. I mean it's almost as if this song was written in honor of Shaksperes play. I wonder?

Monday, April 12, 2010

English Reflection

What is English? A language, a class or an adventure filled with opportunities for speculation and opinion. In English there is no such thing as a right or Wong answer, there is only your answer; that's the beauty of the subject. you can be comical, serious, sentimental or even deep; it makes no difference. For me comedy is the way to go punch up the story line a little bit give it some pizazz. If you take all literature to seriously, which is not necessarily bad, it can become boring and repetitive. SPICE IT UP! For Example in Great Expectations Charles Dickens the relationship that he creates between Pip and Estella can be seem as a no win battle for Pip just a boy lost in love with someone who can never love him back. Or you can say that Estella's cruelty is her way I telling Pip that she wants him. Bow Chicka Bow Wow! See make it more interesting for yourself. Now you don't have to be comical like me but that's the best part about English, being Unique!